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en Path



The hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene

The hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene are a UNESCO heritage site of extraordinary beauty.

The uniqueness of the terroir is the result of a long process of care and respect for the environment, which has been able to preserve these hills through sustainable cultivation practices that are attentive to the ecosystem.

Val d’Oca wines are born from an ancient winemaking tradition, handed down by people who have chosen to remain tied to their roots.
The conservation of this territory is an important and delicate task, for which we feel responsible.

Only thanks to everyone’s commitment can the hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene continue to be a place of beauty and the production of high-quality wines, an important resource for our country and for the whole world.

Also, for this reason, 100% of our vineyards have obtained the SQNPI certification (National Quality System for Integrated Production), which guarantees the consumer grapes grown according to agronomic techniques that respect the environment and human health.

The hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene