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Val d'Oca: Commitment to Sustainable VIVA Certified Agricultural Practices

The adoption of sustainable agricultural practices is a fundamental aspect for Val d’Oca, to which we pay the utmost attention.

Since 2020, we are proud to hold the VIVA certification, promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, which measures sustainability performances. This achievement was made possible thanks to the Group’s investments, aimed at efficient and cutting-edge production processes, modern and integrated structures, as well as training and innovation.

The VIVA certification analyses the sustainability of the vine-wine chain through the following indicators: Air, Water, Territory.

  • AIR: calculates the Carbon Footprint of the Winery, providing useful information to reduce emissions.
  • WATER: measures the influence of the activities carried out on water consumption and on the reduction of available water resources.
  • TERRITORY: examines the impacts of the company’s activities on the territory, considered as a combination of biodiversity, landscape, and local community.

The goal of Val d’Oca is to provide its members with the most balanced solutions for vineyard cultivation, in order to obtain quality grapes and wines, with reduced environmental impact.

Val d'Oca: Commitment to Sustainable VIVA Certified Agricultural Practices